Thursday, January 27, 2000

Secret Female Multiple Orgasm Technique

One of my most important achievements is the discovery of the ways to make her reach an eruptively orgasmic state in one minute. I found that the female sexual orgasm can be achieved by simultaneously stimulating the clitoris and the wall (known as the female trigger zone) between the urethra and vagina with a certain pressure and stimulation speed or rate (termed as the exciting period, in engineering terminology.) There is a way to accomplish this. The Method of the 3-point Excitation, which uses the penis to compress the female trigger zone and the male pubic bone to exert on the clitoris at the same time.

The exciting period is either 0.4 or 0.8 seconds per cycle (corresponding to 2.5 or 1.25 cycles per second, respectively, in terms of the stimulation frequency or "speed") for both methods. I did not realize that the exciting periods have anything to do with the natural contraction period of the uterus for the female sexual orgasm, until I studied the resonant excitation of the coastal edge waves in the Hydraulic Laboratory of the University of California at Berkeley during 1978-1981. The resonant excitation of sexual orgasms is the same as that of the edge waves. Thus, I term the Method of 3-point Excitation, with the exciting periods 0.4 or 0.8 seconds per cycle, as the Method of Resonant Orgasms.

Every woman can achieve a sequence of eruptive orgasms with up to 20 cycles (maybe more!) of the sexual energy pulses driven by the uterus contraction if the clitoris, G-spot and Epicenter are simultaneously stimulated with a certain pressure (around 6 PSI or 0.43 Kg/cm²) and a resonant stimulation speed. In fact, I consider the wall (the female trigger zone) between the vagina and urethra is the mechanism of converting the pressure (elastic) energy exerted by the penis to the sexual energy which is stored in the Epicenter. I will present some dynamic analyses of the female trigger zone and the interacting forces between the penis and vagina in the next section.

As I explained before, this method is called the Method of Resonant Orgasms because the pulsing orgasm results from the periodical contraction of the uterus, resonantly excited by the elastic waves or rhythmical pressure fluctuations from the clitoris and the female trigger zone. According to this method, the male pubic bone compresses the clitoris while the erecting penis acts on the female trigger zone. In fact, the male pubic bone and the erecting penis form a plier compressing the entire genital area. The combination of the penis/vagina system can be shown in the following graph. Here, the glans penis locks up the Epicenter for high-pressure stimulation.

Thus, a combination of the love position and its body movement, that simultaneously produces rhythmical pressure fluctuations on the clitoris, G-spot and Epicenter for this method, is named as the Position of 3-point Excitation or the 3-point Excitation Position, as shown in the following graph. First, the man sits down against a back support and forms a curved body, then the woman squats over and sits on his thighs so that his arm can reach her hip or shoulder to help her swing. She should adjust her attack angle so that the three key points are under a proper pressure for each individual.

Thus, a combination of the love position and its body movement, that simultaneously produces rhythmical pressure fluctuations on the clitoris, G-spot and Epicenter for this method, is named as the Position of 3-point Excitation or the 3-point Excitation Position, as shown in the following graph. First, the man sits down against a back support and forms a curved body, then the woman squats over and sits on his thighs so that his arm can reach her hip or shoulder to help her swing. She should adjust her attack angle so that the three key points are under a proper pressure for each individual.

The hand interlocking constrains the movement of her shoulders and thus make her shoulders become the pivot of a swing pendulum, so that she can swing at a high-frequency (-speed) rate, 2.5 cycles per second, with long strokes, up to 8 inches.

Her swing will force her clitoris against his pubic bone and her trigger zone against his penis inside her vagina with high pressure forces, and thus produce rhythmical pressure fluctuations, termed as the elastic waves, on her clitoris and trigger zone, respectively. The elastic waves will carry the pressure (strain) energy from the clitoris and her trigger zone into the Epicenter. Once the elastic waves tune into the contraction period or frequency of the uterus, the elastic wave energy, after some energy dissipations produced by the damping mechanisms in the vagina/urethra muscles, will be rapidly accumulated and trapped into the Epicenter in the form of the sexual energy. When the sexual energy reaches a critic level, the uterus will start a sequence of violent contractions that generate the sexual energy pulses from the Epicenter to her head where the energy pulses radiate out like a volcano eruption as shown in the following picture. The sexual energy pulses produce a sequence of sexual orgasms for her. Once the sexual pleasure starts to pulse through her body, she will slow down her swing to a rate of 1.25 cycles per second to synchronize the contraction of her uterus. Her swing will continue until she feels powerless or numb. Usually, she will stop swinging after her uterus contracts 10 - 20 cycles.

Why are the interacting forces acting on his and her sexual organs so important to intercourse? Well, this is because the proper handling of the interacting forces between the penis and vagina can help the woman to achieve orgasm in a very short time and the man to hold the penis erection without losing ejaculation control.

As I mentioned before, in order to make a woman achieve orgasm in a short time, it is necessary to simultaneously stimulate both her trigger zone and clitoris, with high-pressure (about 6 PSI or 0.43 Kg/cm²), high-frequency (2.5 Hz, or 0.4 seconds per stroke) strokes. On the other hand, in order to delay the male ejaculation and to prolong his love action, it is necessary to avoid imposing any high pressure on his trigger zone and overloading the muscle surrounding his prostate gland. Thus, a loving couple should know the interacting forces acting on his and her trigger zones as well as her clitoris, so that they can enjoy multiple, sexual orgasms in one love session.

Since the Position of the 3-point Excitation is a women-driven position, she can adjust the penis-vagina attack angle to obtain suitable pressures on her clitoris and her trigger zone (or a very itchy point called the orgasmic trigger point.) When she is swinging back and forth against his penis, the interacting forces are varying with time, which produce the strain energy in the form of the elastic waves propagating along the wall between the vagina and urethra to the Epicenter where the energy is stored in the form of sexual energy.

The following picture shows the engagement of their low bodies when she swings to the lowest and highest positions. Her body acts like a swing pendulum with the pivot at her shoulder, the swing range is about 10 degrees and the maximum displacement at her hip is about 4 inches.

Her clitoris is always under varying pressures. When she swings to the higher positions where her clitoris encounters his pubic bone, her clitoris will experience more pressure than when she swings to the lower positions where her clitoris misses the pubic bone, as shown in the following two graphs.

During her upswing, his glans penis runs through her trigger zone from the Epicenter to the G-spot, that is, the high pressure center moves from the Epicenter to the G-spot. The pressure acting on her trigger zone is generated by the dynamic loads provided by the angle attack of his glans penis and her swing momentum. The force acting on her trigger zone is perhaps more than 100 pounds for the swing range of 4 inches, the swing frequency of 2.5 Hz (that is, 0.4 seconds per cycle), and the linear acceleration of 41 feet per second squared.

The locations of the interacting force exerting on his sexual organs are the base and low portion of the penis (not in his trigger zone), the upper side of the glans and pubic bone. This is the best position of all, in which his pubic bone is against her clitoris while his trigger zone is not subjected to any high pressure or stimulation. The only thing he has to take care of is the fatigue problem of the muscle surrounding the penis base.

In her downswing, the force action is reversed. The pressure acting on her clitoris is relieved when she swings away from the pubic bone. His glans penis runs upward from the G-spot to the Epicenter; in this half cycle, the high pressure center moves back to the Epicenter from the G-spot. The following figure shows the pressure variations with time at the clitoris, G-spot and Epicenter.

The bending stress acting on the base of the penis may make him feel fatigue or pain in the muscle surrounding the prostate gland. Therefore, it is necessary to massage the base of the penis and pull the scrotum down several times to relax the sexual muscle around there before the couple performs the high-impact swing. Fatigue of the muscle surrounding the penis base may trigger ejaculation at the same time as she starts to experience her eruptive orgasm. However, if he can practice the Sexual ChiKong (Tai-Chi Yin-Kong) to properly expand the muscle surrounding the prostate gland and to effectively channel his sexual energy from the prostate area back to the spinal cord and the Governing Vessel, he will solve the muscle fatigue problem and, therefore, lock his ejaculation gate completely even after her eruptive orgasm. That is why the Sexual ChiKong can prevent his ejaculation and let him have a continuously sexual action without worrying ejaculation.

However, to perform high-speed, high-impact swings with this love position, the man must provide a fully ballooned penis for his partner. If he cannot balloon his penis, the loving couple should start from a low-speed, low-impact motion. Otherwise, the impact force exerted by her vagina will smash his penis. You must take a precaution with the application of this love position.

Turtle + Cat + Lion + Human

Turtle + Cat + Lion + Human

Tuesday, January 11, 2000

Favourite Love Position

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